At ORW, we now want to open up the field of possibilities.
A sponsorship structure has now been set up to develop the link between us and you, our audience, into a strong and lasting relationship. Becoming a patron is not only a choice to fully integrate our House, but also a recognition that we share and carry common values, of which our actions are the concrete projection.
By committing yourself to helping your Opera in its mission, you contribute significantly to its smooth running. Whether you are a Benefactor, a Patron, a Sponsor or a Grand Patron, whether you decide to support a specific project that you feel particularly strongly about, or the Theatre as a whole, you will demonstrate a deep attachment to the ORW and develop a special relationship with our Institution.
Depending on the level of your contribution, you will benefit throughout the season from a number of privileges that will plunge you into the heart of the life of our institution and that will reflect the commitment you have shown to us: meet the artists, take advantage of a private space during the intermissions, exchange with the General Director, follow productions from conception to Première, etc.
Soon, patronage will take an even more dynamic form with us. Through the creation of an intimate circle, experience the highlights of the artistic life of the Opera among enthusiasts and participate in a series of exclusive events. Take part in this great initiative and be a founding member.
We are not going it alone: you too can get involved and play a central role alongside us.
+32 (0) 4 232 42 47
+32 (0) 497 08 58 10